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Creative Rubber Works - Rubber Mulch Playground


  • Made from clean safe 100% recycled tires

  • Red, Blue, Green, Brown, Cypress, Black, and other colors available

  • ASTM F1292 Compliant

  • IPEMA Certified @ 3”, 4”, & 6” depths

  • 99% wire free ADA compliant (ASTM F1951)

CRW’s innovative manufacturing process combines ecological soundness with state-of-the-art technology. Recycled rubber is shredded to resemble wood mulch, then coated with a trade-secret non-toxic colored finish to produce an attractive, durable surfacing agent.  Creative Rubber Works (CRW) exceeds the standards set by US Consumer Product Safety Commission and has sold millions of pounds of rubber mulch with a customer satisfaction rate that cannot be matched.


Playgrounds.   Keeping children safe is a top priority.  Rubber mulch provides the best form of surface material for children to land on should they fall. Rubber mulch has elasticity, which gives it a springy quality when used in a fairly thick layer, this makes it a natural choice for playgrounds. CRW’s rubber mulch provides a safe and durable surface for indoor and outdoor playgrounds providing added protection against playground accidents.  CRW Rubber Mulch inhibits the growth of mold and fungi reducing children’s allergy risk and has a soft surface to help keep children safe for years without replacement or fading. Use your imagination and “design” a playground with CRW Rubber Mulch.

Landscaping/Gardening.  Rubber mulch eliminates yearly mulching, this means less cost while also offering a number of additional benefits for landscaping and gardening purposes. Rubber mulch insulates soil from heat allowing a 2 or 3 degrees F higher soil temperature difference over wood mulches. Rubber mulch is beneficial for soil moisture as rubber is non-porous and does not absorb water on its way through to the soil. It also reduces fungus growth and plant growth, and becomes a weed barrier as weed seeds dehydrate in the mulch before reaching the soil.


Site Analysis: Prior to design of the playground, a certified engineer or landscape archi- tect knowledgeable of area climate and topography should be consulted. The consultant must be familiar with updated versions of applicable ASTM standards, CPSCʼs Hand- book for Public Playground Safety, and state and local codes.


Base Preparation: Intended installation area must be cleared of rocks, stumps and other debris, including wood mulch or other surface material. Pre-existing surface material im- pedes the safety performance of Rubber Mulch. It is not recommended to install Rubber Mulch over asphalt or concrete, as these surfaces severely compromise rubber mulchʼs safety performance. Chemicals in asphalt also break down the coloring agent on Rubber Mulch colors.


Grade: Area must be properly graded according to intended playground level, and firmly compacted. For in-ground installation, area must be excavated to a minimum depth of 6”. A proper drainage system should be in place as water tends to move towards the lowest point. We do not recommend a recessed installation unless proper drainage is installed.


Retaining Wall: Above-ground installation of Rubber Mulch material requires a retaining wall. Rubber Curbs, available in 6” and 8” heights, are strongly recommended. Specifications may be obtained. Rubber Curbs effectively contain Rubber Mulch, preventing excessive kick-out of material, thereby minimizing the need for replacement material in the future.


Filter Fabric: A quality geo-textile fabric, secured with landscaping staples, may be in- stalled beneath Rubber Mulch to prevent weed growth and percolation of foreign materials. Filter fabric will “Initially” prevent growth of weeds and grasses. Although the fabrics are permeable, they will collect debris and dirt and may actually promote growth over time. Fabric must be cut to fit tightly around all playground structures. All seams should be taped in order to prevent separation during installation and to prevent dirt or debris from mixing with the mulch. Filter fabrics are available in a variety of types, sizes and thicknesses. Individual specifications may be obtained from the manufacturer.


Drainage System: Excessive pooling of water can impair Rubber Mulch safety performance. To prevent this situation, a drainage system may be necessary. For manufactured drainage system, refer to manufacturerʼs installation instructions. If drainage stone is used beneath rubber mulch, we suggest using a fabric. If it is placed over sand and compacted earth, the owner may opt to not use a filter fabric. For gravel drainage, gravel must be installed below the filter fabric directly beneath Rubber Mulch.


Delivery: Rubber Mulch can be delivered in supersacks. Supersacks may be transferred to the play area by bobcat or wheelbarrow.


Colored Mulch: Depending on weather conditions, Rubber Mulch colored mulch may re- quire two to three days after delivery to sufficiently dry and cure before installation.


Tools: Rubber Mulch may be spread on play area manually, with rake or shovel, or by machine for larger playgrounds. Installer must exercise care not to disturb the geo-textilefilter fabric while spreading. A final hand-raking provides a smooth finished playground surface.


Rubber Wear Mats: Rubber mats or equal are strongly recommended to be installed in high traffic areas, such as beneath swings and sliding poles, and at slide exits. The rubber mats are to be laid midway through the rubber mulch, as they minimize displacement of Rubber Mulch. These mats may be used with any loose fill surfacing product. Rubber wear mats should not be used alone. They should only be used in conjunction with Rubber Mulch.


At equal depths, rubber mulch gives more cushion and support than any other substrate product available. Six inches of rubber mulch results in a critical fall height of 12 feet. At the same 6″ depth, wood mulch has a critical fall height of 7′ and pea gravel has a critical fall height of 5′. Unlike pea gravel (which will freeze into a hard surface at 32 F), rubber mulch will allow your children to use their play system in the winter. Even though residential users are not required to use critical fall heights when determining how much of a substrate to buy, you can easily see how even 3″ of rubber mulch will provide a safer surface than other products at the same depth.





4” DEPTH >>>  6 FEET



5” DEPTH >>>  8 FEET



6” DEPTH >>>  12 FEET


Benchmark: Immediately following installation and inspection, the level of Rubber Mulch should be marked off on the playground equipment, using a permanent marker or the like. Especially in high traffic areas, Rubber Mulch requires periodic raking to restore the material to its safe and proper depth.


Aesthetic Care: Rubber Mulch may be cleared of foreign objects and debris using rake or leaf blower.


Warranty: The manufacturer guarantees the impact performance of Rubber Mulch for 10 years and provides a 5-year warranty against total color loss. Note: Failure to maintain appropriate depth, as determined according to the highest potential fall height, may void manufacturer warranty and cause permanent injury or harm.

© 2020 Creative Rubber Works.

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